Entitlement Moving Forward and More Community Outreach

Here is the latest update on the preparations for the redevelopment of the Forest Oaks Golf Course: 

Entitlement Progress on Track!

We are happy to announce that we are well on our way through the entitlement process. In January, our team submitted Final Subdivision Plans for residential PODs A, B, and C to Palm Beach County staff for first review.

We also submitted our Plat and Engineering Plans to Palm Beach County staff for Technical Compliance Review. Additionally, we have submitted our Engineering Plans to the Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department (PBCWUD) for them to review our water and sewer infrastructure plans. Lastly, our Engineering Plans were re-submitted to the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). SFWMD will ensure our paving, grading and drainage infrastructure plans meet state and locally mandated stormwater management design criteria.

As we continue to develop our plans further, we look forward to continuing engagement with each of you and incorporating your input into the design process. We anticipate plan approvals in late-summer, but look forward to hearing from you in the meantime.

Community Outreach Continues!

Recently, our team attended the Lucerne Lakes Homes North HOA and Fairway Club HOA meetings and had productive conversations with many of their board members. We established that we would return on a regular basis, as directed by each respective Board, to continue to share our progress and provide a platform to engage in discussion regarding our community design.

While we understand some neighbors remain opposed to our plans, we remain steadfast in our commitment to being good neighbors and will keep our promises to the residents and greater community.

If you have any questions, please contact us at Info@forest-oaks.net.


Additional County Reviews